Tuesday, March 27, 2007

For My Fellow Reds Fan

This is Tom's fault!!! I blame him for everything!!!!

People who get tagged need to write a blog entry of their own 6 weird things as well as stating this rule clearly! Three people need to be tagged and their names listed. Finally a comment needs to be left on each tagged person’s blog…

So here it goes...

1. I, like Tom, eat peanut butter from the jar. Great source of protein!!!

2. I hate germs but LOVE playing in the dirt and hate cleaning.

3. I’m a little OCD. If something is out of place, I have to fix it right away, force myself not to look at it or leave the room.

4. All of my CDs, DVDs, videos, books, vegetables and just about everything in my apartment is alphabetized.

5. I don’t like sitting in the back of cars because there are smaller windows.

6. Little things in life make me really excited.

That was kind of hard to think of things. I know I can be really weird but to actually list them is a different story. They don’t seem weird to me, just normal! Okay…three people…hmmm….

Stephanie Lancione, Ashley Davison and Lindsay Wasik, it is your turn!!!


  1. You know, I couldn't resist! I doubt I'll get anything from Wally since he doesn't have time for fun right now. Hey I posted a link to a YouTube video on my site, it is a clip from yesterdays Red's game, stop by and click the link, it is an awesome throw from Josh Hamilton.

  2. Aww. you tagged me! I'm honored you thought of me :) I did it on facebook, so go check it out chica!
