Wednesday, November 28, 2007

John Piper Video

John Piper is never afraid to get speak what he is passionate about.

Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Girlz Only Sneak Peak

Oasis girls don’t forget this Friday is our first Girlz Only event!

What could be more exciting on a Friday night than:
High School Musical
Cool Crafts
Dancing with the amazing Brooke Curry
Digging into the Word?

NOTHING!!! So go sign up at here. Now!

SNEAK PEAK at this month's message...
We’ll be taking a look at David and Jonathon and three ways we can reflect the image of God in our relationships. If you get a minute I would appreciate your prayers and I finish up the message over the next few days.

***Does anyone know where I could buy sand and the toy pails and shovels you take to the beach before Friday night?

Boxes and Coffee

I was just flipping through the channels and my nose started itching. So I stopped flipping and Joyce Meyer was speaking. I really haven’t heard much of her speaking or read her books but I loved what she said tonight.

She was talking about how sometimes people put us into boxes. We live our lives in these boxes feeling unfulfilled, unhappy and keep doing it because we don’t have the guts to speak up about it. She continued by saying we need to get over that, speak up, start seeking what God has in store for us and stop letting others put us in the box.

Amen. Amen. Amen. Yes that’s me! Look out world! I’m speaking up. I’m done living out the dreams other people have for me. I’m going to follow my passions and do what God created me to do...whatever that may be!

I spent the evening hanging out with my friend, Allison. Love her!!! She is hilarious. We laughed a lot, which was greatly needed. Coffee and friends…doesn’t get much better than that!

Sunday, November 25, 2007

Thanksgiving Break 2007

I have thoroughly enjoyed the last four days of not going to school, spending time with family and eating lots of food. Unfortunately tomorrow it is back to the grind. BOO!!! But first let’s look at some pictures from the fun I had with my nieces and nephew.

You can also find some new Oasis and Special Friends pictures here.
November 2007

Saturday, November 24, 2007

Ode to Matthew

Okay so technically this isn’t and ode. It is really a list but oh well. Here are some reasons why my brother, Matthew, is one of my heroes.

-- He drove over two hours out of his way to take me home for Thanksgiving.
-- He got in trouble in order to get help when I was bleeding profusely from my head after falling down the stairs.
-- He let me play second base for his good co-ed softball team when nobody wanted me on the school softball team.
-- He kept his cool (sort of) and didn’t punch the incredibly HUGE man that knocked me down and literally ran over me in a softball game.
-- He let me hang out with him and his friends when I a little kid even when I was a pain.
-- He has taken in two foster children who someday may legally be his daughters.

Now before Matthew’s head gets too big let me give you some reason why I will still wrestle my brother to the ground.

-- He won’t admit when I’m right and he is wrong.
-- He makes excessive comments about me needing to find a husband.
-- He is so stuck on this idea he invites guys to Thanksgiving dinner that he wants me to hook up with.
-- He still puts softball over hanging out with his little sister when she is home visiting and won’t let her play softball.

Now hopefully that will bring my brother back to some sort of reality. All in all he is a pretty good guy and I love him…a lot!

Wednesday, November 21, 2007

I'm Going HOME!!!!

Let me tell you about how amazing God and my brother are!

After I called home to tell my parents I wasn't going to be able to come home, my mom called my brother and explained what happened. He told her he thought he knew what the problem was and would fix it. AND since it would be so late he would just drive me home instead of me having to drive. What?!

My brother called me after he finished work and said he was on his way. So within the next hour he should be here and I'll be on my way home. Yes my brother is awesome! More stories about why he is one of my heros will be in the future.

Stuck in Mishawaka

After school I got things around to head home for Thanksgiving but now I'm stuck here by myself. I was less than half an hour down the road when my car started giving me problems. I prayed my way to the next exit and tried to get some help. Turns out I have to take it to a dealer to get fixed. Great I'm in the middle of nowhere and the dealerships are closed for the holiday. I decided I could make it back to my apartment so I turned around. Half the statuses on facebook talk about being with family for the weekend. I'm pretty depressed right now but such is life.

I guess my brother is going to try and come down, which would be awesome. I'm just waiting to hear from him.

Monday, November 19, 2007

a little help, please

Next week I will be speaking at our first Girlz Only event for Oasis. I’ll be honest, I’m a little nervous. Over the last year most of the speaking I’ve done has been to high school students, not jr. high girls. And from the talk I’ve heard it should be a good crowd.

I was asked to tackle the subject of relationships in 20 minutes. WHAT? I did a month long series last time I spoke on relationships. I looked ahead at our upcoming events and topics and was able to narrow it down a bit. I have some major points I want to focus on but am a little unsure how to bring it all together in a way that is accessible to a group of girls that has just sang and danced their hearts out.

Here is where you come into the picture.
What is the greatest lesson(s) you have learned about relationships?

That's My State...

The FBI recently released a list of the most dangerous cities in the United States and Michigan is home to two of the top five. Those five are...

1. Detroit, MI
2. St. Louis, MO
3. Flint, MI
4. Oakland, CA
5. Camden, NJ

Late Night

This is what you feel like after staying up all night preparing for school only to have some of your classes not show up and the others act like animals. I'm glad tomorrow is a new day!

“God's loyal love couldn't have run out,
His merciful love couldn't have dried up.

They're created new every morning. 

How great your faithfulness!
I'm sticking with God (I say it over and over). 

He's all I've got left.”
Lamentations 3:22-24 (MSG)

Sunday, November 18, 2007

My weekend...

My weekend consisted mostly of grading papers. Saturday morning I woke up early and finished cleaning my apartment. That afternoon I watched two depressing football games while grading papers. That night after church...more papers. This afternoon after hanging out with Dominic, Kelli joined the paper grading party. I was very thankful for her help. We worked on them until it was time for Lifeline. And I'll I've done since I got back from Lifeline was grade papers. This is what happen when you have over 200 students taking the same class and ending a unit all at the same time. Of course the end of that unit happen to fall right before progress reports are due. There are days I really hate being a teacher.

Now it is time to figure out what to do tomorrow for class.

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Wheat Jokes

Most of you know that I am allergic to wheat. This means there are MANY things I can't eat. I think I have heard every possible wheat joke there is.

While we were in college and I was having a bad week, Jeffrey made a list of the top ten reasons he was friends with me, number 6 - wheat jokes. Today I got a voicemail from our friend Roger, which started with a wheat joke. Corey must have cracked twenty tonight. My brother, Matthew, never lets them die.

All of that to say, you guys need to get more creative with the wheat jokes. Seriously, if you are going to make fun of my pain, get some new stuff please. Right now I really HATE wheat because it is causing my stomach to hurt so much I haven't been able to sleep since Friday night. So some funny jokes would be appreciated.

Bad Boyz

Here is what I’ve walked at with from Bad Boyz series at Lifeline and Oasis.

WEEK 1: Shadrach Meshach and Abednego (DC and Daniel 1-3)
- You can changed based on what you want in life or by what is changing you.
- We wait for the big defining moment when really we are being defined by something different.
- We are defined not by the big moment but the little moments that lead up to the big ones.
- Make the decision ahead of time to be committed.
- The little things add up to a big difference.

WEEK 2: Moses (Corey and Exodus 3)
- Are you so busy you don’t even notice the burning bush? Are things so loud you can’t hear the phone ringing with opportunity?
- You will have emotional investment in whatever God calls you to do. You’ll be attached.
- God affirms your calling through others. Who is affirming you and what are they affirming?
- God gives you mentors and brings others alongside you to help with your shortcomings.
- I bear the image of God!!!
- What excuse am I using?
- Slow down. Sit down. Shut up. Open your eyes. Listen.

SMALL GROUP HIGHLIGHTS (all from students):
- Dear God, Thank you for this group. I can already tell it is going to be a great group.
- Can't we just all come back here on another night so we have more deep conversations like this?
- You mean you'll really let us e-mail you and ask questions?
- I was just wondering if I could pray for our group tonight.
- You actually pray for us?

ADDED BONUS: Stake 'n Shake with student ministry leaders!!!! You guys are awesome!

Sunday, November 11, 2007

End of the Weekend Thoughts

Monday was a terrible, horrible, no good, very bad day at work. Tuesday I had an unexpected observation. Wednesday I got THE greatest compliment every teacher wants to hear from his/her principal. I pooped my pants.

Thursday Shauna Niequist spoke at New Community. I mentioned in a previous post I was reading her book Cold Tangerines and I know have a headache from God banging me on the head with the same lesson over and over again. When will I ever learn?!

ND lost! Surprise. Surprise.
Michigan lost and I’m still crying.
Ohio State lost and I’m laughing but not near Jeffrey.

Last night was the first in our parenting series that I struggled to pull something from. It was a good message but harder to apply to where I am right now. Afterwards I went to Outback with a very fun group of friends.

The “Shat the Wildlife Magnet Theory” has been proven true twice this fall. Once last week as a massive Great Horned Owl swooped down alongside my car on my drive to Vestaburg last week. And again today as a large flock of Canadian Geese flew over the parking lot and pooped only on my car.

This morning I also had a friend apologize for something I wasn’t even upset about. I wasn’t expecting an apology but the fact that it happens says a lot about that person and how they feel about our friendship. It is good knowing someone cares enough to say I’m sorry. This morning I also had an awesome time with Dominic. It was so much fun!

Tonight was an awesome night at Lifeline. I love my small group and am very excited to see what God has in store as we get to know each other more. I’ll share some thoughts on this weeks topic after the Round 2 on Wednesday.

Tomorrow is Monday…BOO! Tomorrow is an A day…BOO! Tomorrow I have a “new teacher” meeting…BOOOOO! Tomorrow I’m going to Hacienda…YIPPEE!!!

Evidently there are five people that read this blog, not two. So to you five…this is longer than I thought it would be. Sorry I don’t care enough to change it!

No Mercy

I witnessed a pretty heated discussion in opposition to a recent decision that was made. Although I think it was a poor decision and should have been handled differently, it was the right decision. I know; how can a poor decision be the right decision?

It was the RIGHT decision because it upheld with the organization's mission statement and purpose.

It was a POOR decision because it ignored the needs of those being served by the organization and devalued the work of the members in the organization. Or at least if felt that way.

I found myself getting a little irritated with some of the others in the conversation because they failed to look at why it was the RIGHT decision. If I were the person that had to make the decision I would have made the same one. I would have hated making it, but I still would have come to that conclusion.

All of that aside, the whole point of the post was to say I’m learning more and more why “Mercy” is always at the bottom of my spiritual gifts inventory results.

Saturday, November 10, 2007

A Plethora of Photos

Where would you find 28 Oasis students, 3 Oasis leaders, 25 Lifeline students, 3 Lifeline leaders and me with my camera on a brisk Saturday morning in early November?


And as I mentioned earlier here are some pictures from my trip home last weekend. I love my family.

Monday, November 05, 2007

Another Monday: A Short Story

It is another Monday. It starts as you crawl out of bed at 6 to get ready for work. When 8:00 rolls around the school day is well underway and you are already sick of screeching recorders. It is a terrible, horrible, no good, very bad day.

After school you head off to another school on the other side of town for a meeting that is a complete waste of time. Afterwards, you realize you forgot your horn so you rush home to grab it and head off to start the evenings private lessons. Then you push your way through a quick 30-minute practice session. You find yourself disappointed as you discover how out of shape your chops are. It is a terrible, horrible, no good, very bad day.

On the drive home you realize you are almost out of gas so you head to the gas station and spend half your paycheck filling the tank. Then it is off to the ATM to deposit your check from lessons so you can go buy groceries, because when you went to pack your lunch today you found out there was no food in the apartment. It is a terrible, horrible, no good, very bad day.

By now it is 7PM and you head home to an apartment that is completely trashed and must be cleaned. And because you are slightly OCD you won’t do anything until that is fixed. You start a load of dishes and remember you need to eat because you haven’t all day. You warm up a left over hamburger from the weekend and stare at it because you have no energy to actually eat it. It is a terrible, horrible, no good, very bad day.

By now it is almost 8 and all you want to do is crawl up in your bed and sleep until June, but the reality of that happening is nonexistent. So you reach into your backpack to pull out the stack of paperwork that is due tomorrow. You start to brainstorm how to redo all of your lesson plans because you use your iPod in all of your classes and it died this weekend. It is a terrible, horrible, no good, very bad day.

Before you dig into that, you write a ridiculous story for the two people that read your blog because you have to let the frustration out somehow. And all this time you keep thinking about Cold Tangerines, one of the books you are currently reading. Shauna Niequist reminded you of one of the areas you have been trying to focus on as she talked about living in the present instead of the future, living now instead of waiting for that big moment. And all you want to know is how you find the energy to do that when it is a terrible, horrible, no good, very bad day.

NOTE: The author couldn't care less about the verb tense, spelling or sentence structure of this story, so don't comment about it!

Sunday, November 04, 2007

Fun with the Fam...

Like always, I had a great time hanging out with my family this weekend. Friday night my Grandpa took us out to a really nice restaurant and I had an amazing steak. Saturday my brother and his family came over for lunch and the football game. Grandpa and I grilled hamburgers, which were amazing. I play a little football with my brother and his kids. Of course we watched the game and was excited Michigan won! There will be pictures soon! Until then enjoy some great quotes from the weekend.

Taylor: Logan I know! I’ve seen winter 8 times!

Logan’s prayer for lunch: Dear God, Thank you for this food and thank you we get to see Aunt Sarah. Amen.
(My nephew is so awesome!)

Logan: We got to blow that place down.
Sarah: Where?
Logan: Texas! That place is bad.

Logan: Then you are going to move.
Sarah: How do you know? Maybe I’ll stay there for a long time.
Logan: No, you always move.

Saturday, November 03, 2007

Wolverine Pride

Football and the Wolverines has been the talk of my family ever since I arrived home.

You thing I'm talking just about Michigan but last night the Vestaburg Wolverines played in the football district finals. Last weekend we hosted the school’s first play off game and demolished a team that is usually pretty good. However, last night we couldn’t pull off another victory. The lose was to the Beal City Aggies who we seem to always see in post season play and have only beat once. We may have lost but we have a lot of pride in this small town.

Go Red and White!

But of course the Michigan Wolverines got their fair of conversation time. I forget how intense the MSU vs U/M weekend is around here. In Mishawaka no one really cares about MSU and rightfully so. But this is the weekend where family actually doesn’t matter. Brothers turn against brothers for a few hours this afternoon, you fend for yourself. Fortunately, I come from a very wise family that recognizes the greatness of the University of Michigan. So this afternoon you will find my family gathered in our tiny living room watching the Wolverines devour the Spartans!

Go Blue and Maize!

Thursday, November 01, 2007 God!

Since 5:00 tonight so many things have happened. It would take forever to write about it all. I will never understand how God works. The last few weeks we've been studying the Holy Spirit at New Community and I feel like in the last six hours the Spirit has come rushing into my life like never before. I don't even know how to explain it or how to begin to make sense of it all. GOD IS GOOD is about all I know. My brain is a bit overwhelmed right now. I'm going to bed.