Friday, February 01, 2008

Emotional Rollercoaster

This has been one long week of an emotional rollercoaster. My brain hurts from everything that has happened, good and bad.

Sunday: Earlier morning than normal but a great small group time at Lifeline and the opportunity to play with the band. I had no idea how much I missed playing until this week.
Monday: Looong after school meeting but I got my hair cut
Tuesday: Horrible school day but a free evening to catch up on paper work and chat with my friend Allison
Wednesday: SNOW DAY!!!! It was freezing all day but Oasis wasn’t canceled. I had my largest group of the year this week and was able to play with the band.
Thursday: Had to go to school and deal with disrespectful students but Thursday means Hacienda and New Community. We are on commandment #4 – Keep the Sabbath. One word to describe the service – Convicting! My life is out of control.
Friday: We were the only school in the entire Michiana area that was open! Driving was horrible but I’m home now and plan on spending the evening being a bum.

I thought I was beginning to understand why God has me in the South Bend schools but I’m not so sure that is the case. We'll see where the journey takes us from here. God knows what he is doing.

I’m so glad the weekend is here!


  1. The weekend is here!! My week was pretty intense...but it was nice to come back to earth for a second and have a nice chat with you on Tuesday. Even though we didn't have time to grab coffee, we always make a point to chat things out when necessary. You are incredible - and thanks so much for the help this week*

    See you Sunday night...*

    Love you!

  2. Miss you! Hey, this week you've listed reminds me so much of last year and also reminded me that I forgot to tell you about the book "The Worn Out Woman" a great help to me to bring bits of Sabbath to a schedule I had very little control over. Let me know when you want to get together.

  3. How would you like to teach in Jerusalem? I'm serious. We could really use you.
