Sunday, April 27, 2008

Friends through the funk

Okay so this post has a lame title. Deal with it!

This last week has been a really rough one. It seems like the more I gear up for the end of the year, upcoming retreats, camps and mission trips the more Satan attacks. Big surprise there!

I decided I would take some time to get away and relax with my parents for a couple days. It was a great time. I listened to some great podcasts on my way back to Mishawaka. I felt like I was ready to face the month of May head on.

I don’t know what happened between that drive and this morning but all of that momentum came to a screeching halt. Some how I ended up in a funk today that I just can’t kick.

I contacted some girls and asked them to start praying. Then a few of us went to IHOP after Lifeline. Seriously these girls are amazing. They were encouraging and honest. Huff even busted out her journal and Bible and started preaching. It was awesome. I am so blessed to have people like this in my life.

Thank you so much ladies for making me smile tonight. It is so great to know I'm not alone in this funk. You rock!!!!


  1. we should play catch sometime soon -

    that would make me smile :)

  2. Awesome. Give me a heads up before you come and I'll make sure Merri or I are there to give ya a tour and help you unload.
