Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Great Messages, Charlie Brown and Football

I listened to week two of NewSpring's Beautiful series tonight. There is a small group of us who are going to listen to the entire series. I'm sure it will prompt some great conversations. So far I've been challenged in several ways.

I watched It's the Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown tonight. I love Charlie Brown. There are a couple clips that may be useful in a message or two at some point. I might even blog about one of those clips later this week if there is time.

I used a football analogy with my 8th graders today in class. The first class laughed at me as I tried to act out the idea without a football. So over my plan time I went and got a football. I asked one of the football players in the second class to help me demonstrate. They loved it and were shocked at my knowledge of football. They laughed...a lot!!! This is probably one of my better ideas in teaching. However, the flutes did not like me comparing their part to the role of the cheerleaders.


  1. You're awesome! I dig you and your football analogies =)

    The NewSprings series is definitely sparking some thoughts in my heart - can't wait to watch week 2

  2. Would that make the Trombone's the angry parent who storms the field and gets thrown out of the game with a police escort?
