Wednesday, November 30, 2016

Year End Reflections

I have always found that the end of the calendar year draws me into a time of reflection. What were the highlights of the last year? What were the struggles of the last year? How did I see God move and reveal himself to me? Where did I see his faithfulness? Where did I see my faithfulness to him? What needs to shift in order to live a more surrendered life? How did I love well? How do I need to love more?

Despite the highs and lows in life, as disciples of Jesus we are always striving to live a life that puts God on display to those around us. We are allowing God’s spirit to shape and mold us into greater reflections of Jesus. During this Advent season, I’m asking God to show me how he is desiring to work in and through me. I want to invite you to join me in that same prayer as we prepare to celebrate the birth of our Savior.

We started this year spending a great deal of time exploring what it means to be the Church and what that looks like for us as a local church family. I would like to invite you to use part of those studies as a tool as we ask God to speak to us. Remember, as a church family we have stated that we are committed to LOVING God and loving our neighbors by WORSHIPING together in unity; EQUIPPING Christians to serve others; and LEADING others to a deeper relationship with Jesus Christ.

  • How did you love God well in 2016?
  • How might God be calling you to love him more deeply in 2017?
  • How did you love your neighbor well in 2016?
  • How might God be calling you to love your neighbor more deeply in 2017?
  • How did you worship together in unity 2016?
  • How might God be calling you to grow in your worship with one another in 2017?
  • How did you equip others to serve during 2016?
  • How might God be calling you to equip other people to serve in 2017?
  • How did you lead others to a deeper relationship with Jesus Christ in 2016?
  • How might God be asking you to continue to lead others with a deeper relationship with Jesus Christ in 2017?
Lord give us eyes to see, ears to hear, and hearts to understand your Spirit as you reveal yourself and your will to us in this Advent season.

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