Monday, September 04, 2006

Many lessons...

I watched Patch Adams tonight. I hadn’t seen the movie in a long time but knew it would be a good one to watch while I was working on the GCS music handbook. (Yea, we might not have any curriculum and very little music, but we will have a handbook!) It was much more emotional for me than I expected.

There is so much to take away from this movie. At least for me there was. While Patch is in the psychiatric hospital he meets a gentleman who teaches him to look past the problem and focus on the solution. I was immediately reminded of how God has taken me all sorts of places I never wanted to go in order to get me where he wants me. God sees the solution and it is so easy for me to focus only on the problem. I’m learning and getting better at remembering there are steps to get to the end that aren’t always enjoyable.

I love Patch’s heart for people. He is an extraordinary example of what it means to love people. He didn’t care who the person was; he wanted to get to know them. He didn’t want to know all about their illness or all these facts about them; he wanted to know the individual. I think that is how it is with God. For one he wants us to know HIM not ABOUT him. I know I get caught up in the study of God that I just know all this information about him but forget about the actual person of Christ. Make sense? Also God looks at us like Patch looks at people. He doesn’t see how we are damaged, but he sees the ones he created. That is the type of person I want to be.

I’ve been asking God to help me forgive and love people that have hurt me. It seems to me I’m able to do it to a certain extent, yet there is still this corner that is broken and bruised. I think the problem lies in the fact that I’m still learning how to let God heal me. So many lessons to learn and so much growth to happen. Praise God he isn’t finished with me yet and he isn’t giving up!!!!

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