Sunday, June 10, 2007

Officially a band director...

There are all sorts of things I've discovered while I've been packing and wrapping up the school year. One of those is the numerous things that have changed now that I am a band director. You know you are a band director when...

You know how to fit a massive bass drum in the back seat of your tiny car.
You carry a drum key on your key ring but aren't a percussionist.
You own a whistle and know exactly where it is at all times.
You only have pencils and red pens in your desk drawer.
You have a stack of music in the back of your car.
You own multiple pairs of drumsticks because you know at least one or two students won't have any when it is time to rehearse.
You constantly have to remind student that "expensive stick of wood" is not a toy nor a drumstick.
You are a HORN player and own a sax. Ugh!
You know that "recruiting" means getting students to join beginning band.

How did this happen?

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