Sunday, March 11, 2007

Effects of sin...

I just had an amazing cup of coffee and even more amazing discussion with a great friend of mine. We talked about all sorts of things but one thing really stood out to me, the effects of sin. We discussed how the choices we make affect everyone around us, even if we don’t realize it. I don’t think we always realize how pick the ripples are from the choices we make. As this friend was sharing, I was amazed at how much the decision one person made changed the lives of so many people. And the more I listened, the number of people affected got larger and larger.

This week I was reminded of something my friend Jason said in a message, “Sometimes sin is so pervasive; it doesn’t have to be yours to destroy your life.” (Well, it was something like that.) When he said that, I remember being blown away by the truth of it and wondered why I had never heard anyone say that before.

I don’t understand why people do things, knowing it will hurt or even completely destroy someone else’s life. I can’t wrap my brain around that. How do we get so selfish and think we can justify those things? How can we think our instant gratification is worth the cost? My heart aches from the stories we shared today. And my heart aches because I know I can be just as selfish as the individuals that made such horrible decisions years ago. Too many people get hurt everyday purely from someone else’s selfishness.

I can’t even begin to articulate my thoughts and feelings. All I can say is thatn my heart is broken.

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