Monday, October 15, 2007

More friends...

I had dinner with two of my favorite people tonight, Becky and Jeffrey. (This is a really old picture but it is the only one I have of just the three of us!) I haven't had the chance to actually sit down and hang out with either one of them for several weeks. These two are some of the greatest friends anyone could ask for.

At one point tonight Jeff jokingly made a comment about true friends lying to each other to protect their feelings. I immediately thought about how the two people sitting across from me are two of people I would go to if I wanted honest input. Over and over again they have told me exactly how it is and always out of love.

I could go on and on about how awesome these two are and all of the funny stories and memories we have together. But I won’t do that…for your sake. I love these guys!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Sarah,
    I am getting ready go to shipshawna. My mom and I are going one last time down there before the fea market closes. I always like it when it is just mom and I. We always talk together for some reason. Do you ever feel that where you talk to your mom then your dad. I always feel like that just everyday. Well, Have a nice day.
