Some of you may have heard about the
Indian Lake fire on the
news tonight. I've already received e-mails and phone calls checking to make sure I'm all right. Thank you. I wasn't home when it happened by my roommate called and said our apartment was fine. The fire was far enough away there wasn't any damage. Praise God!
I am back in Vestaburg this week for the famous Vestaburg Church of Christ VBS. This is the earliest I've been to bed on the Sunday night before in years! Lois couldn't make it home, which we are all pretty sad about. Even though she isn't here we still have an extra guest in the house. I brought my bags to my room and found this.

Actually I found this little bugger hidden in my bed three different times already. Thanks to a little inside information I was able to produce a great "What is that?" scream that brought all the kids running upstairs. They loved this face.

Tomorrow I'll post about camp and include some pictures. Off to sleep now!
I miss you! I freaked at first when I heard about the fire on the radio but they said it was in the ones by Douglas road and I breathed a huge sigh of relief! Call me when you have some time to hang out!