Sunday Matthew and his family came to my parents house and I grilled chicken and burgers for dinner. And of course for dessert we had watermelon and s'mores. However there were no seed spitting contest since it was a seedless watermelon.
Monday my parents and I went to St. Louis to watch Matthew's family in the parade. Then Dad and Matthew cooked brunch for all of us. We ate so much food.
Tuesday was horrible as you can read in my previous post. That is all I have to say about that.
Wednesday was the last day with students. Praise Jesus! It was also our end of the year bash at Oasis. It was an awesome night.
Jeffrey was generous enough to let me join the band for the last night. Good times. I also went to the doctor and found out my ankle isn't healing as well as he would like. He gave me three exercises to do is day and one is VERY painful.
Thursday I had a wonderful surprise phone call from
Eric. He asked were I was and told me to come to Lula's and meet he gang.
Wally and Mitch drove from Lansing to South Bend just to visit all of their favorite restaurants that we don't have in Michigan. They hit up Wings, Etc., Lula's, the Rib Shack, and Ritter's. If they would have had more time they probably would have hit up Hacienda too. Sonic isn't open yet so they couldn't go there either. Evidently they have been talking about this road trip for 15 years.
Jeremiah and Jason met up with them too. I absolutely love hanging out with these guys. Yes I often find myself being the only girl.
Friday I finished cleaning my classroom and most of the music department. I was finally glad to be done with that. I spend the evening with
Cody, and
Sarah celebrating Lauren's preschool graduation. I absolutely love that family. Cody is hilarious!
Yesterday was the marathon of high school graduation parties. After church I went to the Century Center to see
DC dance at the Starlite Ball, or something like that. It was a huge ballroom dancing contest and ball.
DC did an amazing job once again. It was so much fun to hang out with friends and students and support
Today I finally got to hang out with Dominic. He has a loose tooth that is driving him nuts. We had a great time singing songs, dancing and playing with bubbles. That kid is so awesome. Other than that I've done something I haven't done in months...I took a Sunday afternoon nap.