Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Bad Boyz

Here is what I’ve walked at with from Bad Boyz series at Lifeline and Oasis.

WEEK 1: Shadrach Meshach and Abednego (DC and Daniel 1-3)
- You can changed based on what you want in life or by what is changing you.
- We wait for the big defining moment when really we are being defined by something different.
- We are defined not by the big moment but the little moments that lead up to the big ones.
- Make the decision ahead of time to be committed.
- The little things add up to a big difference.

WEEK 2: Moses (Corey and Exodus 3)
- Are you so busy you don’t even notice the burning bush? Are things so loud you can’t hear the phone ringing with opportunity?
- You will have emotional investment in whatever God calls you to do. You’ll be attached.
- God affirms your calling through others. Who is affirming you and what are they affirming?
- God gives you mentors and brings others alongside you to help with your shortcomings.
- I bear the image of God!!!
- What excuse am I using?
- Slow down. Sit down. Shut up. Open your eyes. Listen.

SMALL GROUP HIGHLIGHTS (all from students):
- Dear God, Thank you for this group. I can already tell it is going to be a great group.
- Can't we just all come back here on another night so we have more deep conversations like this?
- You mean you'll really let us e-mail you and ask questions?
- I was just wondering if I could pray for our group tonight.
- You actually pray for us?

ADDED BONUS: Stake 'n Shake with student ministry leaders!!!! You guys are awesome!

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