Saturday, November 24, 2007

Ode to Matthew

Okay so technically this isn’t and ode. It is really a list but oh well. Here are some reasons why my brother, Matthew, is one of my heroes.

-- He drove over two hours out of his way to take me home for Thanksgiving.
-- He got in trouble in order to get help when I was bleeding profusely from my head after falling down the stairs.
-- He let me play second base for his good co-ed softball team when nobody wanted me on the school softball team.
-- He kept his cool (sort of) and didn’t punch the incredibly HUGE man that knocked me down and literally ran over me in a softball game.
-- He let me hang out with him and his friends when I a little kid even when I was a pain.
-- He has taken in two foster children who someday may legally be his daughters.

Now before Matthew’s head gets too big let me give you some reason why I will still wrestle my brother to the ground.

-- He won’t admit when I’m right and he is wrong.
-- He makes excessive comments about me needing to find a husband.
-- He is so stuck on this idea he invites guys to Thanksgiving dinner that he wants me to hook up with.
-- He still puts softball over hanging out with his little sister when she is home visiting and won’t let her play softball.

Now hopefully that will bring my brother back to some sort of reality. All in all he is a pretty good guy and I love him…a lot!

1 comment:

  1. You are a lucky sister! Glad you had a great break. Hope your Monday back went okay. Those can be tough.
