Saturday, March 22, 2008

Identity - Week 3

This las week we wrapped up our Identity series. Let's just say I did not do my best speaking. The lack of preparation time, due to the new job was very evident. But the good news, God is faithful and can turn my disaster into something. Here is a short look at what I attempted to say.

+ We reviewed the first two weeks.
- Week 1 (DC) - our faith moves us from creation to family
- Week 2 (Me) - We aren't just God's family, we are friends.
+ I want to be perfect but constantly fall short because of my sin.
+Only God is perfect and no matter what I do, I can't reach it.
+ My actions and deeds can't close the gap.
+ Christ reaches down and eliminates the gap.
+ By doing so, God offers me so many things. Things like peace, joy, freedom, new life.
+ The list goes on and on and I don't have to do anything to earn those things because they are a gift.
+ All I have to do is accept the gift.
+ What will I accept from Christ today? Will I allow him to define me or will i keep trying to do things myself?

We stole Ted's idea for Lifeline. We had two boxes wrapped like presents on the stage. Inside were several pieces of paper that said "I accept ________." We gave our students time to sit and talk with God, to listen to him and then respond by filling out the paper and taking it with them.

A handful of students left theirs in the box. I read some awesome responses. A couple of them said "I accept Jesus." I was humbled as I read them because it didn't matter that I wasn't up to my own standard of excellence, God had a message to be heard and somehow through my mixed up thoughts a handful of our students got it.

"Each time he said, My gracious favor is all you need. My power works best in your weakness. So now I am glad to boast about my weaknesses, so that the power of Christ may work through me." 2 Corinthians 12:9

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