Thursday, March 27, 2008

Love Thursdays

There are many reasons why I love Thursday.  First of all it means tomorrow is FRIDAY!!!  Thursday means New community, which I absolutely love.  But my favorite part of Thursday is hanging out with friends at Hacienda.  

At New Community tonight I had the chance to see a good friend from college who has been traveling all over the world.  It was such a great surprise.  She is amazing!!!!  

Tonight Jeffrey, Allison and I joined Allison's mom and her friends after service.  Luke was able to stop by and join us for a little bit as well.  It was great to meet some new people and hang out with good friends.  We had lots of laughs and had the chance to hear a little bit about The Bucket Tour from Jeffrey.  It was so good to catch up with Allison and Jeff since they have been gone.  

I'm so thankful for the amazing friends God has placed in my life.  Allison briefly started to think about where our next steps might take us.  I told her a little bit about how the last step I took didn't turn out the way I expected.  That can be so incredibly discouraging but it has shown me more about how God wired me and what he created me to do.  I don't think I would feel that way if it weren't for people like her who are there no matter what the next step may bring.

1 comment:

  1. it was great chatting with you that night. remember - - no matter what our next step is...there can always be road trips. right?

    i guess my big thing is, i can't be afraid to lose people. that's always been a constant fear of mine

    ur awesome and our friendship is one of my favorites! see you tonight at lifeline dear*
