Monday, September 17, 2007

Icky Day

All day I have felt icky. I woke up exhausted and as the day went on, I kept feeling worse. You know the sore throat, headache, earache bit.

After school I had a meeting at Studebacker, which means scary teacher guy who freaks me out and makes me very uncomfortable. So of course around 7th period I start getting a little anxious. Fortunatly, Mr. Kurtis came to my rescue and sat at my table so we could complain about the meeting and scary guy would stay away.

Then it was off to another meeting and home to get things ready for school tomorrow. I was given two big booklet I have to be familiar with before I give the ISTEPs tomorrow. Needless to say I haven't made it that far yet and all I want to do is sleep.

I think I'll go curl up in my bed and cry. I hate being sick...and deaf.


  1. Hi Sarah,
    It was kind of hot and sticky. It was an Icky day down here yesterday at my town of Bangor, MI. How are you doing? I can see that you have been busy person. Talk to you later. I also just stop by to Hi and have a nice day sarah.

  2. I hope today is a better day for you...I did want to let you know that I have been converted...the church authorized a new macbook pro for our student ministries and myself. I have had it for two days and will never go back to pc unless forced to. Abby has ISTEP for the first time this week but doesn't seem to mind. Of course she doesn't have to administer the test either. Hang in there, I know how good you are with kids, I wish you were my girls music teacher...the one they have is a big dork and I am not impressed.

  3. Hope school is going better. I feel like we're in some bizarre remake of Eddie Murphy and Dan Akroyd's "Trading Places"! If you ever need another teacher to vent to, give me a call! Had fun at Hacienda. See ya soon!
