Saturday, September 01, 2007

Broken Heart...

I’m so overwhelmed with emotions right now there is nothing to do but cry myself to sleep. There is a ton of junk going on right now but school seems to be the one that stands out the most. This has been a horrible week as far as discipline goes. 

- I lost one of my favorite students today. They probably won’t be returning to school at all because of some very poor choices. The progress this student has made in these first three weeks has been astounding. One bad decision and all of that is gone. It breaks my heart. 

- I had to write up one of my best students yesterday. I found out this morning the student got in a huge fight this morning and is now suspended.
- I heard another student’s story today that broke my heart. This student is only a 5th grade and has been expelled from at least one district in the area. It doesn’t look like the student is off to a great start in this district either.

- The student taken away in handcuffs should be allowed to return to school next week, but may be not my class.

There are so many other stories I could tell. This week was just one after another. Broken students living life in survival mode and having no idea how much they matter.. How do I show them they matter? How can I show them the limits set are for their protection and to help them? How can I get them to understand the expectations I have for them are because I know they can reach them? 

Almost a year ago, my friend Jason and I were talking about teaching. He asked if I had ever thought about teaching in the inner city. I think may be he saw something in me, I didn't know existed. I hadn’t really given it a ton of thought at that point, but I knew I could never do it. Now I know why. You are emotionally open all day long with your students. You become attached and when this stuff happens it breaks your heart.

Let’s just say Dr. Bob’s message couldn’t have come at a better time.

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