Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Live. Learn. Share.

We've all made stupid choices in life, especially when we are in middle school and high school. I've fallen into this category, plenty of times. Some of those choices don't change much in my life. Their consequences dwindle fast. Other times those choices have a huge impact on every aspect of my life. Lots of times those stupid choices are surrounded with my absolute best intentions. I may even think I'm making the best possible choice later to find out I was wrong.

Thankfully as I've gotten older I've learned how to think before I act. I've learned to evaluate options and make wiser choices. I'm not perfect by any means but I'm grateful for some of those stupid choices I've made.

God has used them to shape me and show me more of himself. He even takes them and uses them for good. Over the last two days I've had several opportunities to share about the choices, good and bad, that I've made in my life. I've shared with my students at school, our GSM students and a few local college students.

I'm so thankful I serve a God who lovingly reaches down and turns my messes into the beautiful creation he intended.

"For we are God’s masterpiece. He has created us anew in Christ Jesus, so we can do the good things he planned for us long ago." Ephesians 2:10

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